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Where the food's hot, the service is cold,
and the music's too DAMN LOUD!

Authentic Old Fashioned Burgers since 1936
John Greco, Andrew Hart, and Debbie Bossler own Bubba's of Hawaii Franchise Group INC., and the Bubba's in Kapaa. Kris Caneda (John's daughter) along with John, Andrew, and Debbie own the Bubba's in Poipu. Collectively, along with our loyal Bubba management team and employees are Bubba!
Who is Bubba?Bubba can be anybody. It's more an attitude than anything else. Tall or short, fat or skinny, male or female. It's all in the mind. Hard work, integrity,and the ability to make the best out of any situation are all keys to the "Bubba Attitude". Some say that Bubba is a Seminole Indian word meaning "He of the crimson neck" One things for sure. all Bubba's share their passion for good food, good music, fresh air, sports, cold beer, and as we say in Hawaii "talking story".John Greco, Andrew Hart, and Debbie Bossler own Bubba's of Hawaii Franchise Group INC., and the Bubba's in Kapaa. Kris Caneda (John's daughter) along with John, Andrew, and Debbie own the Bubba's in Poipu. Collectively, along with our loyal Bubba management team and employees are Bubba! Read the "Story of Bubba" by Kauai Magazine 1994 Here!
WE CHEAT TOURISTS, DRUNKS, AND ATTORNEYS???"It's just alittle Bubba humor folks! In all honesty, Bubba doesn't actually cheat anyone but, for some very strange reasons, (and you'll have to ask the psychologists why) it sure seems to bring people to the door. Over the years Bubba's come to realize that about 5 % of the folks just don't get it and are sometimes VERY offended by it. No amount of explaining helps. Some folks just don't have a sense of humor. The upside is that over the years,, it sells a lot of T-shirts, Hats, and Tank Tops, get yours HERE! In fact, Bubba used to just cheat Tourists & Drunks, then Bubba got this LETTER from an attorney in San Francisco. Bubba didn't know exactly what to do about this. (After all, it really was completely unintentional on Bubba's part.) Who da thunk you could actually trademark the English language? After a string of those two-syllable four letter words and a string of ice cold brews (just to calm Bubba, of course), Bubba met with his Plumber and part- time Attorney, then sent this RESPONSE to the Attorney. Having never heard back from the attorney, Bubba decided to add him and his kind to his shirt. BUBBA merchandise sales doubled.
The History of "Bubba""Bubba can be anybody. It's more an attitude than anything else. Tall or short, fat or skinny, male or female. It's all in the mind. Hard work, integrity,and the ability to make the best out of any situation are all keys to the "Bubba Attitude". Some say that Bubba is a Seminole Indian word meaning "He of the crimson neck" One things for sure. all Bubba's share their passion for good food, good music, fresh air, sports, cold beer, and as we say in Hawaii "talking story". WHERE DID BUBBA COME FROM? Some say that God created Bubba on the 13th day. Actually, according to the BUBBA HANDBOOK, God created Bubba in about 1950. But guys like Achilles, Davy Crockett, and Theodore Roosevelt had Bubba characteristics. After pounding a few Trojans, Achilles would have loved to grab a cold beer and click from college football to old Cagney movies--if he could have. But, that's the point. Sure, the American frontier experience was a major ingredient in the Bubba formula. So was fighting Trojans, lions, and dinosaurs, for that matter. And, granted, beer had been around since the first good ol' Egyptian brewed up a vat of grain back in 8000 BC. But for Bubba to be, several refinements in living conditions had to occur. Bubba's primordial elements began to coalesce around the turn of the century. First, the air conditioner was invented in 1902. Next, that nutritional staple, the Moon Pie, was born in a Chattanooga bakery in 1918. And, the first upholstered La-Z-Boy recliner rolled off the production line in 1929. Now you're talking. Then in swift succession, the first drive-in movie theater opened (1933), canned beer went on sale (1935), the first TV (a cartoon of Felix the Cat) hit the airwaves, and Coors Tavern ( Pueblo, Colo.) fried up its first Double Burger. (1936) The elements were clearly aligning to create the Cradle of Bubba Civilization. Sam Walton even opened his first retail outlet (1945). THE BIG BUBBA BANG It must have occurred on a rowdy Saturday night during the keg party of all keg parties. Few probably noticed, and even fewer still could have predicted that from it would be born the flip-top beer can, a plague of Labrador Retrievers, Bubba Burgers Kauai (Simply the World Best Burger), and a President from Arkansas. The most probable year was 1950 - the year the All American Football Conference merged with the NFL, starting the league's rise to stardom. The year Ford introduced the F-100 pickup truck with the slogan "Where men are men and trucks are Ford V-8's." And the year The Sands of Iwo Jima was released, starring a guy named John Wayne. While scholars are still debating the exact date and cause of the Bubba Big Bang, one thing is certain: Bubba had arrived. Soon he was towing home a rented big tank grill for his annual cookout party, and no good bass-fishing lake was too far for him to reach, bass boat hitched behind pickup. With color TV and pro football, Bubba communed with fellow males on Sunday and, if he needed more, he did it again on Monday night. Beer became the national beverage. In fact, scholars have proposed many theories linking beer to Bubba's creation. Consider these relationships from the formative years: Moon Pies (great with beer), recliner (great place to drink a cold one), drive-in movie (great place to take a cooler full), pickup truck (perfect for hauling kegs).... Hmmmmm. Whatever the connection, the Bubba creature quickly showed a hearty appetite for burgers, a propensity to laugh, an innate sense for work efficiency, and even a tendency to sentimentality--at times. "The Star-Spangled Banner" could bring tears to his eyes. THE AFTERMATH By 1977, Bubba had made it to the White House -- through the back door. While Jimmy had the nation sweating like a glass of iced tea on a Georgia summer day, Billy-- the patron saint of Bubba's--introduced the world to Billy Beer. Soon the stage was set for cable television, the remote control, and a First Mom named Virginia Cassidy Blythe Clinton Dwire Kelly-- the mother of all Bubbettes. Which brings us to Bubba's Zenith. Bubba Burgers Kauai opened in September 1990, The headlines read "Hubba Bubba!" when the Double-Bubba ticket triumphed in '92. Five hundred cable channels are on the way. Bubba Burgers opens a second location in Hanalei. Duck season will be here again before too long. Bubba feels good. He is gaining on his ultimate goal: to own his own BUBBA'S "WE CHEAT TOURISTS, DRUNKS, & ATTORNEYS " T-shirt and matching Baseball Cap. AM I A BUBBA? You Just Might Be!
You might be a BUBBA if......We've been gathering these little tidbits from folks all over the world for years. If you know of any more good ones that aren't on this list, please let us know! You know how may bales of hay your wifes car will hold. Your dog and your wallet are both on a chain. All of your four letter words have two syllables You think that 10-12 lbs on the side of the pampers box means the capacity. You have more than one first name. You've ever flipped your riding lawnmower. Your kids have 3-day-old Kool-Aid stains. You have ever lost a tooth opening a beer bottle. You know all about cow-tipping Your house has wheels and your cars don't. Your front porch collapses and you kill more than six dogs. You have ever used lard in bed. You think potted meat and saltines is an hors-d'oeuvre. You considered a six pack of beer and a bug-zapper quality entertainmet. Less than half of the cars you own run. Your mother doesn't remove the Marlboro from her lips before telling the state patrolman to kiss her ass. The primary color of your car is bondo. You honestly think women are turned on by animal noises and seductive tounge gestures. Your family tree doesn't fork. Your wife's hairdo has ever been ruined by a ceiling fan. You have ever hollered "Rock the house, Bubba" at a piano recital. Your mother has ever been involved in a fist fight at a high school sports event. You've ever barbecued Spam on the grill. The neighbors started a petition over your Christmas tree lights. You regularly answer the question, "What have you been doing lately?" with "Partying" Your brother-in-law is also your uncle. The rear tires of your car are twice as wide as the front ones. You consider "Outdoor Life" deep reading. You prominently display a gift you bought at Graceland. The diploma hanging in you den includes the words, "Trucking Institute". Your mother keeps a spit cup on the ironing board. You've ever worn a tube top to a wedding. You think Dom Perignon is a "Mafia Leader". The most common phrase heard at your family reunion is "What the hell are you looking at shithead?" You think beef jerky and moon pies are two major food groups. You think Campo-Phenique is a miracle drug. You have more than two brothers named Bubba and Junior. Your father encourages you to quit school because Larry has an opening on the Lube Rack. You think Volvo is part of a woman's anatomy. You think the styrofoam cooler is the greatest invention of all time. You've been too drunk to fish. You have a rag for a gas cap. You had a toothpick in your mouth when your wedding pictures were taken. You've ever used a weed eater indoors. Your life time goal is to own a fireworks stand. Your bicycle has a gun rack. You own more than three shirts with the sleeves cut off. You've ever been blacklisted from a bowling alley. Your Junior-Senior Prom has a day care center.
Authentic Old Fashioned Burgers.Coors Tavern, Pueblo Colorado, Circa 1936 Home of the Bubba Burger. When we say "authentic old-fashioned burgers" we mean it. This is a photo of the original crew in front of Coors Tavern. Our burger is still made exactly as it was in 1936. Check the sign in the window. "Big Juicy Hamburgers 5 cents" You've come a long way Bubba! Check out the pictures below to see just where we've been!
World Famous?When we say we're world famous, we're not just whistling through the tropical Hawaiian winds. Check out where we've been so far and maybe you can be world famous, too! 1. Purchase a world famous Bubba T-shirt, (a true bargain at twice the price.) 2. Travel to the place of your heart's desire. 3. Simply wear your Bubba shirt , and have someone take your picture! Thats all there there is to it. Except, have to email a copy to us here at Bubba Burgers. Who knows? The next time you look at this page, you may see yourself staring back!
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